

Talent is the most important resource for enterprises. High-quality talents are also the source of strength for enterprises to create value, sustain development, and prosper.


With the mission of “Building a Development Platform for Employees”, Hongchuan attaches great importance to the company's internal talent training, and cultivates high-quality staff who meet the company's requirements through the “Hongchuan Management College” and various on-the-job training. Through the talent selection activities such as “Win in Hongchuan”, the company optimizes the use of talents within the company, so that the company's success and personal growth can be combined to truly achieve a “win-win” between the company and its employees. For high-level talents, we must focus on internal training, open competition, external recruitment, and active introduction. We believe that increasing the investment in intellectual capital for high-level professionals is an indispensable input for maintaining constant innovation in important areas such as management, technology, and marketing.

Hongchuan adheres to the management philosophy of “people-oriented”, establishes a management system, incentive mechanism, creates conditions for talents, creates talents, cultivates talents, attracts talents, and retains talents. Create a work environment suitable for excellent talents, give them a stage to show their talents, and let the truly talented people become the main force of the company's development.

滴道区工程机械设备维修有限公司金水区算机软硬件开发销售有限公司巴彦县有限公司 成安县食品有限公司衡东县管道配件有限公司 宝山区文化教育信息咨询有限公司平舆县健康保健咨询有限公司镇海区建筑装饰工程施工有限公司淅川县环保设备有限公司尉氏县冶金设备有限公司